HELIX System is very effective for cleaing precious films and surfaces but especially construction with historical values. Versatility of system decreases needed time and consuming materials. Also, this property makes stronger system on cleaning work in places thick-coated deposits comprised.

HELIX is a special system that provides oppurtunity to clean more sensitive surfces due to combine centrifugal current and venturi effects.

Thank to combination of hat formed by exclusive resistant to wearing steel and generating spiral movements device in protection structure and special shaped nozzle for mixture of aggregate/water, venturi effect can be applied and, while equal distribution of mixture calibrated according to unit area of surface are conserved, it offers wide tangential touch surface.

With HELIX System;

  • Distance between working surface and worker is lengthen.
  • Spreading dust is reduced in equally and effective way
  • Returing to smooth again of the worker that causes losing of protection requiered films is not necessary
  • Compare to traditional system, HELIX provides more homogeneous distribution of mixture spreyed on unit surface and wide tangential touch surface